- A sponsor must be at least 16 years old
- A sponsor must be a fully initiated Catholic
Received the following Sacraments: Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist, & Confirmation
- A sponsor must be an active Catholic
Attends Mass Weekly & Confession at least yearly
- A sponsor must NOT be a parent of the one who is being confirmed
The parent took on the role of guiding their child in faith at Baptism
- It is desirable (not necessary) that the one who undertook the role of Godparent at Baptism may be the Sponsor.
- Who the candidate can easily talk with
- Who will model the faith for the candidate
Prays daily, lives a moral life, continue to grow in his/her faith, serve others
- Who will partner with the candidate to discuss any issues or concerns that candidate may have about the
Catholic faith & his/her new commitment through the Sacrament. Ideally, the sponsor and candidate would
talk at least once a month. If they are out of state call/skype to make sure you have that monthly discussion.
- Confirmation Rehearsal: Sponsor & Candidate are the only ones that needs to attend.
If one of them can't be there a parent must step in as a proxy.
- Confirmation Mass: TBD
LEFT: Your sponsor should be a practicing Catholic. This video explains what that means.
RIGHT: This video will answer what you are called to do as a Confirmation Sponsor.
2nd part answers the question about female priest as well.
That part isn't connected to Confirmation but can answer that question if you are interested.