All volunteers are required to complete VIRTUS registration through the Diocese of Charleston. The new process is completely online, so please follow the instructions below to get started.
Before completing Protecting God's Children online training, please register with VIRTUS Online by clicking HERE. You can also go to www.virtus.org and click on 'First-Time Registrant' and select Charleston from the dropdown list.
Click through the required pages, making sure to enter all of your information correctly.
Please read the Child Protection Policy, the Code of Conduct, and the Social Media Policy. Complete each section by providing your electronic signature and date.
You will also be prompted to complete the Background Screening through FASTRAX.
Once that is completed, please click on 'You have 1 online module assigned' and then click on the green circle to begin the Online Training.
If you have any questions, please email Ginger Cuttino at gcuttino@christourking.org.